(NOTE TO JURY: Due to the number of entries combined for scoring for this product range by this company, individual entry links are provided below for your viewing. Only this combined entry needs to be scored, considering all products within the range listed below.)
With our award-winning vegan brand “Vemondo”, we strive to make it easier for our customers to identify vegan substitute products. So it is very important to enable our costomers to make a conscious purchasing decision and to target flexitarians and vegans. We are constantly developing the diverse and tasty range of around 80 individual products on the basis of customer wishes and expectations.
Veganer Streichgenuss Classic
Veganer Streichgenuss mit Kräutern
Veganer Streichgenuss mit roter Paprika
Vemondo Bio Hafer Creme
Vemondo Bio Haferdrink ohne Zuckerzusatz
Vemondo Bio Mandeldrink ohne Zucker
Vemondo Bio Vegane Salatmayo
Vemondo Kokosdessert Kirsche
Vemondo Kokosnussjoghurt natur
Vemondo Vegan Cookies Dark Chocolate and caramel
Vemondo Vegane Burger Patties
Vemondo Vegane Kartoffel-Schupfnudeln
Vemondo Vegane Muffins Kakao
Vemondo Veganer Aufschnitt mit Grillgemüse
Vemondo Veganer Aufschnitt Mortadella
Vemondo Veganer Salat nach Art eines Fleischsalates
Vemondo Veganer Salat nach Art eines Kräuter Fleischsalates
Vemondo Veganes Cordon Bleu paniert
Vemondo Veganes Eis Cookie Dough
Vemondo Veganes Eis Salted Caramel
Vemondo Veganes Gyros mit Zwiebeln
Vemondo Veganes Hack
Vemondo Veganes Schnitzel paniert